ルワンダ中央銀行総裁日記 感想

描写が薄い部分がこのひとの能力がいかんなく発揮された部分なのだろうなぁ ルワンダで通貨の為替をやり直すから仕事しに行ってと言われる とりあえず人 [Read More]

Impressions of manga the type of Yankee who gives one-pointed advice to passersby.

This is a story about a yankee who gives a bad impression of being a yankee and gives advice and help to people in need. The story is about a yankee who takes care of an abandoned cat, and the gap between the two gives him a good impression. But the author’s creative ability to add a twist to it and make it into a system that can be used [Read More]