Thoughts on manga women who want to cook and women who want to eat

Summary A story about the interaction between the hero, who enjoys cooking and wants to cook a lot, but can’t consume enough on his own, and the heroine, who eats a lot? This is a story about the interaction between the heroine? Thoughts Why do I need to be a woman? This is a story about a woman who wants to cook a lot but can’t consume it all by [Read More]

性教育120% 知っておきたい性知識

近年その役割が見直されつつある性教育。 あなたは自分の子供に性の知識を自信を持って教えることができますか? 自分やパートナーの体のことなのにあま [Read More]


物理って楽しいよね! 数学や物理を直観的に理解してきた身としては、微積分がむちゃくちゃ苦手! 微積分のイメージと実際のテクニックが全然一致しない [Read More]